Ejercicio 3.3

Training Exercise Data

Exercise: Ejercicio 3.3
Start date: 15/02/2010
End date: 17/02/2010
Place: Ría de Vigo
Specifications: Pdf

Map Services

Google EarthWMSSHP
Position layerkmlwms/kmlzip
Events layerkmlwmszip
Raw layerkml zip

Position of drifters

Refresh in 5 min.


  1. 15/02/2010
    - 09:00. Conection test
    - 10:01. The bouys were released in 6 points drawing a line between 8º53.368’W, 42º 13.912’ N and 8º52.288’W, 42º 13.912’ N
    - 10:36. Buoy10 stopped transmit
    - 10:38. Buoy 4 stopped transmit
    - 11:29. Buoy 7 stopped transmit
    - 11:35. Buoy 12 stopped transmit
    - 12:15. Buoy 8 stopped transmit
    - 13:30. Buoy 11stopped transmit
    - 13:27. Between 13:27 and 15:25 the data transmision was restablised in 5 of 6 buoys
    - 15:41. Buoy 11 reached the beach where it ran aground
    - 15:59. Buoy 7 reached the beach where it ran aground
    - 16:29. Buoy 8 reached the beach where it ran aground
    - 16:34. Buoy 10 reached the beach where it ran aground
    - 17:48. Buoy 4 reached the beach where it ran aground
  2. 16/02/2010
    - 09:00. Buoys were picked up sailing in the shoreline of Cies Islands
  3. Agradecimientos
    - Tripulación do Serra de Barbanza. Gardacostas de Galicia [Xunta de Galicia].